Thanks go out to these wonderful people for contributing prompts, website help, editing and being amazing:

Aaron Penne, Anna Carreras, Bart Simons, Bruce Holmer, Camille Roux, cari ann shim sham*, Chris Barber (code_rgb), Darien Brito, Edgardo, Fahad Karim, Heeey, Jonathan Barbeau, Jos Vromans, Juhani, Marc Edwards, Melissa Wiederrecht, Monokai, Motus Art (Owen), Neel, P1xelboy, Paolo Curtoni, Piter Pasma, Rachel Ehrlich (Joy of Randomness), Roni Kaufman, Sableraph, Sophia (fractal kitty), Stevan Dedovic (@mr_praline / @sdedovic), Stranger in the Q and Yazid!!

And the support of the #genartclub community.

If you prefer a different link to your name, please send me a message or if you helped out with Genuary 2025 and I forgot your name also please send me a message I am really sorry and fix it ASAP.